
TTM February 2019 – Visentini Shipyards

Here is an excerpt from the article published in the TTM magazine in February 2019 about the works we did for the Visentini Shipyards:

“The IGI Allestimenti srl has carried out the supply and assembly of all the furniture and construction of the building 224. The public areas, for a total of 1,800 square meters, are composed of 3 bar areas, 1 store, 1 games room, 1 a la carte restaurant , 1 self-service restaurant, reception area, 4 coach room with 400 seats, outdoor area with 2 jacuzzis. The cabins are divided as follows: 121 passenger cabins, 34 crew cabins, 2 commandant apartments and engine director, official day canteen and crew day canteen. In addition to various technical areas including plank, offices and warehouses. All the furniture was designed and built by IGI Allestimenti at the Mondolfo headquarters, which has been dealing with the furnishing and fitting out of all the ships built at the Visentini Shipyard with which the company has consolidated a historical relationship.”

Monday March 4th, 2019 News , , ,
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